Krav Maga ATX to soft open to current members June 1st

Hello again, Krav Maga ATX family —

Krav Maga ATX will be open for live classes starting on Monday, June 1st. We’ll begin offering a few live, in-person classes, as well as to continue to offer you virtual classes. 

We know some of you are ready to get back into class. And we know some of you aren’t. We take your safety very seriously and we want to do right by each of you. We respect your decision to train with us in real life (IRL), virtually, or not at all. Truly. 

Regardless, we’re so thankful for your patronage and the support you’ve shown us and each other through all this. 

We’ll be rolling out new classes and offerings in a phased approach while adapting to class demand, your feedback, the evolution of state & local laws, recommendations from CDC, and just the general experience of re-opening our doors.

Here are the details starting June 1st.

Our Phase 1 Reopening Schedule

Phase 1 Class Schedule (effective June 1)

We’ll be monitoring student response and attendance and looking to offer more training opportunities soon.

  • Monday — 6pm: Conditioning with Brett (IRL)
  • Monday — Shadowboxing with Ryan (Virtual — No set time. Programming provided, work out on your own)
  • Tuesday — Conditioning with Brett (Virtual — No set time. Programming provided, work out on your own)
  • Wednesday — 6pm: Conditioning with Monica (IRL)
  • Thursday — 7am Conditioning with Monica (Virtual)
  • Thursday — 7pm Yoga with Amy (Virtual)
  • Saturday — 1pm: No Contact Krav Maga* with Jeff (IRL) and (Virtual)

All our Virtual Programming can be found on our Private Facebook Group Inside Krav Maga ATX or on our YouTube channel private playlists.

What we’re doing to ensure your safety

We’ve changed the layout of our mats to give you plenty of space to work while ensuring everyone maintains at least 6ft of distance. Which means…

Only 8 students are allowed to train with us in each class. We’re also only allowing current members to train in our classes. We’ll open up our classes to new members and guests soon. Registration for our first week of in person classes will open on Sunday by 8pm.

You will have your own, individualized mat station. 

Around each mat station is ~8ft of concrete. Students will pick and stay at a station for the entire class. Once you’re on your blue mat space, consider the concrete lava.

No contact training

In phase 1 of re-opening, we’ll be offering no contact training. The irony isn’t lost on us that we’ll be offering no contact Krav Maga (“Krav Maga” translates to “contact combat”). But there’s still plenty to learn and rep with no contact training.

Deep clean

We’ll complete a thorough cleaning of all pads, mats, high-contact areas, and bathrooms after every class. We use medical-grade cleaning equipment. Read more about the products we use.


New Studio Policies & Procedures 

Please refrain from coming to class if you are experiencing any active symptoms or, in the past two weeks, have had any close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. For a full list of possible symptoms, please visit

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have self-quarantined for symptoms, you may resume classes after you meet ALL of the following criteria: 

  • at least three days with no fever independent of medication
  • symptoms have improved
  • AND it has been at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared

Sign up for classes online. 

During our soft reopening, we only have eight available spots per IRL class. You’ll need to sign up for classes online. As part of the new online registration process, you will also need to sign a COVID-19 waiver. When you register for a class online (and if you haven’t signed the waiver yet), you’ll be prompted to sign one online.

Registration for our first week of in person classes will open on Sunday by 8pm.

In the meantime, make sure you can sign in to your Zenplanner account through our website or through the Zenplanner app (iPhone or Android)

Come with a full water bottle and an empty bladder.

We highly encourage you to bring a full water bottle. While we’re not completely closing our bathrooms for your use, we highly encourage you to use them only in an emergency.

Wear a mask at all times. 

To participate in classes, you will be required to wear a mask.

Enter through the garage door. 

For the time being, our retail space will be closed for general use. 

Use provided hand sanitizer before you choose your mat space.

Once you’re on your selected mat space, please try to stay on that space until the class has ended and you’ve been cleared to leave your designated training area by your instructor. 

Equipment Rentals

We know you may have questions about equipment you’ve rented from us. 

If you plan on attending in person classes and/or are no longer actively using your gear, we encourage you to return it to us, so we can use it in classes. 

We recognize that not everyone will be ready to come back to classes in person just yet. If you’re still using your equipment at home, hang on to it and keep doing your workouts wherever you feel most safe.

I hope to see you soon, dear friends. Either virtually or in person.

Kaci Kai [she/her]
Chief Executive Officer
kaci [at]

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